This will give a clearer picture of our impact, and help us constantly improve our offerings and grow our work.
You will now need to enter some short information about yourself. This includes your school. If you can’t find a school just type the name without selecting from the list. If you are not a teacher, just type N/A.
We ask you to add your email to become a member of the Ochre Education Resource Library community, and get free resources and other helpful content by email. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying ‘unsubscribe’ to any of our newsletter materials, or by emailing us at You can read our Privacy Policy here.
You will only need to enter the following information once.
If you need help on how to use a downloaded resource, click here.
We will be sharing back with our Ochre Community what we are learning about how our resources are being used. We will be using this information to improve our offer of materials and support to you.
If you have any questions, please contact us at