OCHRE Education

The Grammar Project and Daily Review resources


What resources are available?
The Grammar Project contains over 100 lessons, including over 60 worksheets, from Pre-K to Year 6, aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Find:

  • Adaptable and editable classroom materials to support the explicit teaching of sentence structure.

Our Daily Review materials include:

  • Individual daily decks for Maths from Foundation to Year 8
  • Build your own topic decks with a suggested schedule
  • Individual daily decks for English from Years 3 -6
  • Term master decks and yearly topic decks
    (Please note not all offerings are available across all three curriculums)

How do I access?
Find The Grammar Project resources here:

Find our Daily Review resources here:
Australian Curriculum: https://ochre.org.au/ac/review-materials/

Victorian Curriculum: https://ochre.org.au/vic-macs/review-materials/

NSW Syllabus: https://ochre.org.au/nsw/review-materials/

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