OCHRE Education

Partnership Announcement: Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd


New partnership with Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd to deliver new high-quality, evidence-based maths, English and science materials as part of Magnify Sandhurst

We are delighted to announce a new three-year partnership with Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd to support ‘Magnify Sandhurst’ – the whole of system change project focussed on growth and improvement for all Sandhurst schools.

To support Sandhurst schools to implement Ochre’s existing curriculum across maths, English, and science as well as to develop new evidence-based, low-variance, knowledge-rich materials for English and science. These new resources will support Sandhurst teachers and students, as well as benefiting teachers across the country.

‘Planning knowledge-rich curriculum, learner activities and assessments is a repeatable process that is an inefficient use of teacher’s time. Providing low-variance curriculum to our schools ensures the relevant curriculum is addressed, that activities and assessments are meaningful and quality assured. Teachers will be able to free valuable head-space and heart-space to respond to individual student needs’ (Magnify Sandhurst).

Magnify Sandhurst is an ambitious, evidence-informed program to provide impactful interventions for leaders, teachers and schools that will improve outcomes for students. It follows Ochre’s successful partnerships with a number of Catholic Schooling systems, including the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC), Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn (CECG) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).

The partnership will involve:
Supporting Sandhurst schools to effectively implement Ochre’s existing resources in F-8 maths and 3-6 English.
Working collaboratively with Sandhurst expert teachers to develop new low-variance, evidence-based and knowledge-rich curriculum and materials in:
– Secondary English
– Primary science
– Secondary science

Specifically, Sandhurst schools will progressively have access to the following resources across English and science:

– Detailed, coherent and sequenced curriculum mapping, including for multi-age classrooms.
– Comprehensive lesson level resources aligned with evidence-based instructional practices, to support the teaching of the curricula for each year and subject. All Ochre lessons contain teacher presentation slides, student worksheets or booklets and daily review materials.
A package of associated supports to assist schools in their implementation of the materials, including a range of guides, videos and support documents.

These resources will progressively be released from Term 1 2025. They will assist schools with the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum 2.0, and will support teachers to teach by saving planning time and allowing them to focus their effort on teaching. Recent research indicates that Ochre resources can save teachers an average of 3.3 hours per week. All materials are fully editable and adaptable to meet the needs of diverse schools and classrooms.

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