OCHRE Education

Partnering with Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn (CECG) to offer nearly 50 new sequenced F-6 maths lessons


We are incredibly excited to release our new F-4 maths lessons, to support teachers and students in Term 4.

We have been delighted to have been continuing our work with Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn (CECG), as part of their Catalyst project (www.catalyst.cg.catholic.edu.au), to develop seven new sequenced units in F-4 maths. Thank you to our amazing group of CECG teachers who have worked with our skilled Teacher-Creators from the Ochre team to create these high-quality evidence-based resources.

Units cover:

  • Measurement and geometry
  • Representing number
  • Reading scales
  • Money
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Working with groups
  • Addition and subtraction within 1000

Each lesson includes

  • A starter quiz
  • Teacher presentation
  • Student worksheet
  • A retrieval quiz
  • Recorded lesson video – watch the video as a model of high impact teaching practices, to support professional learning, individually or as a team.

As with all our resources, all the lessons are optional, flexible and fully adaptable, with teachers and schools being free to choose how to use them to best complement their existing teaching and planning.

We are enormously grateful to these generous teachers for sharing their expertise and completing some brilliant work for colleagues across the country.

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