OCHRE Education

Ochre Years 7 & 8 Maths Lesson Resources – Term 1 live Australian Curriculum and Victorian Curriculum 22 January


What resources are available?

Developed in partnership with The National Catholic Education Commission.

New secondary mathematics resources to support Year 7 and 8 teachers

Ochre Education is working in partnership with The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) and collaboratively with around 40 expert secondary mathematics teachers to develop comprehensive curriculum resources for Years 7 and 8 Mathematics – a full year’s worth of lessons, and targeted resources to support intervention. Resources will initially be mapped to the Australian Curriculum 9.0, and the Victorian Curriculum 2.0. All lessons embed high-impact, evidence-based teaching practices and are able to be adapted by teachers to suit their students’ needs. Term 1 resources are being made available in a phased release from 22 January to 31 January 2024.

What resources are available?

  • Curriculum maps to support schools’ planning
  • Detailed adaptable and editable classroom materials for Term 1 embedding evidence-based teaching practices. These include for each lesson of the term:
    • Daily teacher presentation slides
    • A unit student booklet
    • Daily Review slides
    • Daily Reteach slides to support reteach of core concepts or skills as required
  • Sample student assessments
  • Intervention supports for students who have gaps in foundational numeracy skills:
    • Screeners
    • A precedence diagram to indicate relevant prior units of work
    • Specialised Daily Review materials
  • Professional learning resources including guides and videos about how to get the most out of the resources, evidence-based pedagogy and maths topics.

Term 1 resources are available in a phased release from 22 January to 31 January.

The remainder of the year’s resources will be made available in advance of each school term.

How do I access?
All resources can be freely accessed by all teachers via the Ochre website (www.ochre.org.au) (free registration required) – follow these links:


Australian Curriculum lessons
Year 7 https://ochre.org.au/courses/australian-curriculum-year-7-maths/
Year 8 https://ochre.org.au/courses/australian-curriculum-year-8-maths/

Victorian Curriculum lessons
Year 7 https://ochre.org.au/courses/victorian-curriculum-year-7-maths/
Year 8 https://ochre.org.au/courses/victorian-curriculum-year-8-maths/

Professional learning webinars to support teachers to navigate the Mastery in Maths resources are scheduled for:

These are open to all teachers, across all sectors. These live webinars will be recorded, but participants will need to register to receive the recording direct.

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