What resources are available?
Developed with the generous support of the Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn Catalyst Project.
- Term 1 Curriculum plans – weekly lesson detail plans covering all aspects of the English curriculum including reading, spelling, grammar, handwriting, fluency, sentence level writing, text level writing, vocabulary and daily review.
Yearly Overview also available. - Term 1 Novel study guides – lesson by lesson sequence which details pause points and suggested queries, tier 2 vocabulary instruction, literary devices, sentence level writing, text level writing
- Slide decks, student booklets to accompany each lesson (literacy skills component, novel study) which can be edited and adapted to suit your needs.
- Daily Review materials
- Supplementary resources (such as Spelling Sequences, Vocab List and Resources)
Note that lesson-level materials (including Daily Review) have been made available for the first 2 weeks of the Term. We will be releasing lesson-level materials for the first 5/6 weeks of Term 1 (dependent on the year-group) in a phased release between the 22 and 31 January 2024.
These new curriculum plans:
- Are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and NSW Syllabus.
- Provide comprehensive coverage, including Daily Review, literacy skills and English content.
- Include opportunities for retrieval and spaced practice through Daily Review, and carefully sequenced literacy content, including word-level reading, spelling and morphology lists.
- Offer one detailed, 5 or 6 week novel study unit for each year group 3-6
- Provide additional support through teacher strategy guides covering vocabulary teaching, text reading, paired fluency and Daily Review.
Each 5 or 6 week novel study consists of:
- A weekly planner
- A study novel guide (a guide to the key elements of the novel including pause points and queries, explicit Tier 2 vocabulary instruction, literary devices, sentence level writing, text level writing)
- Suggested non-fiction texts to build associated background knowledge
What’s distinctive about our novel studies units?
- They place the text as the centre-point, encouraging close reading of texts rigorously and intentionally, with the goal to develop understanding of text and genre through reading and responding to reading.
- Include substantial opportunities for students to write in direct response to texts.
- Link fiction and non-fiction texts.
- Knowledge-driven and incorporate explicit vocabulary instruction.
- Embedded support for teachers to build capacity.
How do I access?
To access Curriculum Maps follow these links (scroll down to: English Years 3-6 unit plans and novel studies guides)
https://ochre.org.au/ac/curriculum-maps/ (Australian Curriculum)
https://ochre.org.au/nsw/curriculum-maps-guides/ (NSW Syllabus)
To access lesson-level resources (teacher presentation slides, student booklets, Daily Review) follow these links:
Australian Curriculum
Year 3 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-3-english/
Year 4 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-4-english/
Year 5 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-5-english/
Year 6 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-6-english/
NSW Syllabus
Year 3 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-2-first-year-english-year-3/
Year 4 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-2-second-year-english-year-4/
Year 5 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-3-first-year-english-year-5/
Year 6 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-3-second-year-english-year-6/
To access our webinar about the materials: