OCHRE Education

Ochre Years 3-6 English Lesson Resources – All Term 1 resources now live 31 January


What resources are available?

Developed with the generous support of the Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn Catalyst Project.

All lesson-level materials (including Daily Review) have now been made available for the first 5 or 6 weeks of Term 1 (dependent on the year group).

  • Slide decks, student booklets to accompany each lesson (literacy skills component, novel study) which can be edited and adapted to suit your needs.
  • Daily Review materials

How do I access?

To access lesson-level resources (teacher presentation slides, student booklets, Daily Review) follow these links:

Australian Curriculum
Year 3 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-3-english/
Year 4 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-4-english/
Year 5 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-5-english/
Year 6 https://ochre.org.au/courses/year-6-english/

NSW Syllabus
Year 3 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-2-first-year-english-year-3/
Year 4 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-2-second-year-english-year-4/
Year 5 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-3-first-year-english-year-5/
Year 6 https://ochre.org.au/courses/nsw-stage-3-second-year-english-year-6/

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