OCHRE Education

Ochre Education partners with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS)


Ochre Education is delighted to announce a new partnership with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) to develop high-quality, comprehensive curriculum resource materials to better support teachers to deliver the Victorian Curriculum across MACS primary schools.

Ochre will partner with MACS to develop F–2 Mathematics materials and aligned professional learning support. We are delighted to be working with teachers from MACS schools to develop and quality assure the materials, alongside expert teachers drawn from Ochre’s broader nationwide pool of Teacher-Creators.

The first materials will be made available in Term 4 this year, for use from Term 1, 2024.

Materials developed will include:

  • curriculum materials, including curriculum plans, scope and sequences
  • comprehensive units of work, including instructional materials
  • quality lessons and learning activities
  • formative assessment, including daily review and reteach materials.

The materials will also be supported by professional learning resources developed by Ochre, in collaboration with the MACS team, including a set of on-demand webinars and resources.

We are incredibly excited to be collaborating with MACS in their system-wide efforts to promote equity and excellence across MACS schools, and create more sustainable workloads for teachers.

As a national education charity, we at Ochre are looking forward to the opportunity to share the resources created with all teachers, through making them freely available on the Ochre website. We thank MACS for their generosity in allowing us to share these materials in this way, to support all students and their teachers.

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